
Adelaide Hills Septic provides waste management services to its clients and manages these services through transport and disposal while, at the same time, actively conserving resources without polluting the environment or causing harm to human or animal health.


Adelaide Hills Septic’s commitment to the environment means that we workv to ensure our activities, products and services enhance the communities in which we operate.

We are committed to environmental improvement and to preventing pollution.


We work with customers, suppliers, governments and the community to ensure that we:

• Reduce waste;

• Minimise any lifecycle impacts.


In our day-to-day operations we:

• Require employees to comply with all applicable environmental laws and standards;

• Identify and manage environmental risks within our operations and apply ‘best practice’ principles to the prevention of pollution;

• Use natural resources responsibly;

• Engage the co-operation of employees, contractors and suppliers through consultation, communication and promotion of the policy;

• Regularly review the basis of the policy and seek to improve on it;

• Make the policy available to interested parties;

• Constantly seek processes and practices that will lead to improved environmental performance. Through these actions we will strive to meet our objectives of:

• Achieving zero environmental harm; and

• Minimising polluting impacts on the community